Symposium on Big Data and Precision Health

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Join us for a full day of dynamic discussions with distinguished speakers and panelists to learn more about cutting-edge research in the multidisciplinary field of big data and precision health. This inaugural annual event will offer stimulating sessions as well as opportunities to network and discuss potential collaborations. Lunch included for registered attendees.

Keynote Speaker

Hans Clevers
Hans Clevers, MD, PhD, UMC Utrecht and Utrecht University

Group Leader, Hubrecht Institute for Developmental Biology and Stem Cell Research
Professor, Molecular Genetics, University Medical Center Utrecht and Utrecht University
Director of Research, Princess Máxima Center for Pediatric Oncology

Dr. Hans Clevers, MD, PhD  was born and raised in the south of the Netherlands, and studied biochemistry and medicine in Utrecht. After an immunology PhD (1985), he trained as a molecular biologist through a 4-year Harvard postdoc. Back in Utrecht (1989), he became professor in immunology at the university hospital, director of the Hubrecht Institute for developmental biology (2002), and finally research director of the Princess Maxima Center for childhood cancer (2015). As president of the Royal Netherlands Academy (KNAW), he founded the Academy of Arts.

His work on the developmental signaling pathway Wnt led him to discoveries in the cancer and stem cell fields, ultimately resulting in technologies to grow human stem cells into mini-organs (organoids) in a dish. His work was awarded amongst others with the Louis Jeantet Prize and the Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences. Dr. Clevers is a member of multiple learned societies including the KNAW, the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, the Academie Francaise, the Orden pour les Merites of Germany, and the Royal Society. He holds knighthoods in Holland, France, and Germany.

General Session Speaker

Calvin KuoCalvin Kuo, MD, PhD, Stanford University

Maureen Lyles D’Ambrogio Professor of Medicine
Professor, Chemical and Systems Biology
Lead, Cancer Biology Program, Stanford Cancer Center
Vice Chair, Basic and Translational Research, Department of Medicine, Stanford

Dr. Calvin Kuo MD, PhD is the Maureen Lyles D’Ambrogio Professor of Medicine (Hematology) at Stanford University School of Medicine.  He is Vice Chair for Basic Research in the Department of Medicine and Co-lead of the Cancer Biology Program at the Stanford Comprehensive Cancer Center. He received his A.B. from Harvard College, M.D. and Ph.D. degrees from Stanford University and completed Residency in Internal Medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Oncology subspecialty training at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.

His research interests include modeling of cancer in 3D organoid cultures, biology of quiescent and proliferating intestinal stem cell populations, and molecular regulation of angiogenesis and the blood-brain barrier with relevance to stroke, cancer and diabetes. He is an elected member of the Association of American Physicians and the American Society for Clinical Investigation and has received awards including an NIH Transformative R01 and an American Heart Association Innovative Science Award. Dr. Kuo is a founder of Surrozen, Inc and Toma Biosciences, and serves on numerous foundation boards including the AP Giannini Foundation and the American Heart Association Silicon Valley Chapter.


8:30 A.M. – Registration opens

9:00 A.M. Opening remarks

Xiling Shen, PhD
Director, Woo Center for Big Data and Precision Health (DAP)
Duke University

Ravi Bellamkonda, PhD
Dean, Pratt School of Engineering
Duke University

9:20 A.M. – Keynote Address

Hans Clevers, MD, PhD
University Medical Center Utrecht and Utrecht University
The Netherlands

10:10 A.M. – Session 1: Precision Medicine in Translation

Chair: TBD

Steven Lipkin, MD, PhD, Vice Chair of Research, Director of Cancer Genetics Clinic, Weill Cornell Medicine

20 minutes each:
Ashutosh Chilkoti, PhD, Alan L. Kaganov Professor, Biomedical Engineering, Duke University
Purushothama Tata, PhD, Assistant Professor of Cell Biology, Duke University
Jatin Roper, MD,
 Assistant Professor of Medicine, Duke University
Neil Surana, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor, Molecular Genetics and Microbiology, Duke University


Jonah Cool, PhD, Science Program Officer, Chan Zuckerberg Initiative

1:05 P.M.Plenary Lecture

Calvin Kuo, MD, PhD
Vice Chair of Research, Lead of Cancer Biology Program
Stanford University

1:45 P.M. – Session 2: Genomic Engineering and Regeneration

Chair: Geoffrey Ginsberg, MD, PhD, Director, Center for Applied Genomics & Precision Medicine, MEDx, Duke University

Jenny Chang, MD, Director, Houston Methodist Cancer Center 

20 minutes each:
Ken Poss, PhD, Director of Regeneration Next Initiative, Duke University
Charlie Gersbach, PhD, Director, Center for Advanced Genomic Technologies, Duke University
Yarui Diao, PhD, Assistant Professor of Cell Biology, Duke
Luis Saraiva, PhD, Director, Metabolism and Diabetes Program, Sidra Medicine


4:00 P.M. – Session 3: AI and Health Data

Chair: Michael Pencina, PhD, Vice Dean for Data Science and Information Technology, School of Medicine, Duke University

Jessie Tenenbaum, PhD, Chief Data Officer, NC Department of Health and Human Services

20 minutes each:
Lawrence Carin, PhD,
Vice Provost for Research, Duke University
Jessilyn Dunn, PhD,
Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering, Duke University

DAP Project Overviews (10 minutes each):

AI Imaging:
Kyle Lafata, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow, Radiation Oncology, Duke
Ouwen Huang, Graduate Fellow, Duke

Health Data:
Michael Gao, Data Scientist, Duke Institute for Health Innovation

Precision Medicine:
David Hsu, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Duke
Zhaohui Wang, PhD, Executive Director, DAP

5:45 P.M. – Closing remarks

DAP Director

6:00-7:00 P.M. – Poster Session & Reception

Posters are exhibited in the Trent Semans Center, Great Hall Atrium
DAP Symposium Cocktail Reception in the Trent Semans Center, Great Hall Atrium


(Heavy hors d’oeuvres will be served)

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