Health Informatics Seminar – Patient Centered Health Records and Exchange Via Blockchain

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The world is abuzz with blockchain – the secure, distributed ledger made famous by Bitcoin. Daily, we read of yet another startup or how an organization is seeking to integrate the technology into its infrastructure. While blockchain has been actively deployed in the financial sector for many years, its disruptive nature has only recently become apparent. As a result, researchers and technologists from virtually every domain have sought to implement blockchain. While healthcare is not an exception, the very essence of health data along with questions regarding blockchain’s role in delivering quality care, have erected barriers to its realization in practice. In this presentation, we will explain the basics of blockchain, discuss its benefits in healthcare (from the patient’s perspective), submit a patient-centered framework, propose solutions to several confounding problems, and present a proof-of-concept prototype named HealthChain.


Ray Hylock, PhD, is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Health Services and Information Management at East Carolina University. He received his BS in Business Administration with an emphasis in High Technology Management from California State University, San Marcos, and MS and PhD in Informatics with an emphasis in Health Informatics from the University of Iowa. His research primarily focuses on computation advancements to support patient care in the areas of health care databases/data warehouses, federation, advanced data structures, optimization, and heuristics.

Broadcast Link: Seminar

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At Duke, all seminars live or broadcast will be held in Hock Auditorium from 4-5 pm.

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