Getting a Mentor for your Charlotte Startup: Innovate Charlotte VMS Pilot

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Innovate Charlotte launches an info session for startups to learn more about how you can become part of the Venture Mentoring Program Licensed from MIT.

As a participating company, you will get:

– Access to a diverse pool of experience, perspectives and opinions.
– Ability to size, shape and change mentor team to meet evolving needs of your venture.
– Access to a wider pool of potential contacts in the community.
– Tailored, not formulaic actionable advice.

The focus is innovation driven companies at the validation stage of their business model. It means that you have a few paying customers already and need mentors to attract investment and scale your business.

MIT Venture Mentoring Model is brought to you by Innovate Charlotte.

During the info session, you will learn the details on how the program operates and how you can participate in the pilot program launching in June.

The program is completely free for participating entrepreneurs and has a long-term focus. Once you get in, mentorship will be available to you for as long as you need it, or as long as the program exists. In addition, there are very strong principles in place that create a safe environment for entrepreneurs and help avoid conflicts of interest.

Learn more about the mentorship program on Innovate Charlotte’s website.

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