Opioid Epidemic

In-Depth: How Digital Health Technologies Can Help the United States Address the Opioid Epidemic


By Laura Lovett | January 5, 2018 Although generations of Americans have struggled with opioid addiction, what was once seen as a peripheral drug problem has lately hit the American public with force. Opioid overdoses have become so common that they are the number one cause of injury-related deaths in [...]

In-Depth: How Digital Health Technologies Can Help the United States Address the Opioid Epidemic2018-01-29T08:57:03-05:00

Digital Health Supports The Fight Against Opioids


November 17, 2017 | Bertalan Mesko, The Medical Futurist The widespread U.S. opioid & overdose crisis is an ever-increasing tragic concern for everyone: writhing victims, family members being fain to see their relatives suffer or die, doctors prescribing opioid pain-killers which they thought before as safe, and regulators imposed to handle [...]

Digital Health Supports The Fight Against Opioids2018-01-29T12:01:20-05:00
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